Mindfulness through Aromatherapy


Scent is one of our strongest senses and is intimately connected to our memory. In fact, our sense of smell is the only sense that is directed connected to the memory and emotional part of our brain. Who knew?!

Memories that are triggered by our sense of smell can bring distinctly clear images, thoughts and emotions to the forefront of our mind. Becoming more aware of smells and leaning into (positive) scents can be a deeply relaxing and calming experience and can help us tune into our memories, thoughts, feelings as well as future actions. To start, choose a scent of your choice. It could be a favorite perfume, essential oil, candle, incense, or even a favorite food item. For this exercise we will be using the example of a candle, but the same actions (with small substitutions) can be applied to any of these!

Begin by taking the candle and holding it up to your nose to take an initial inhale. Take note of the very first smell you notice. How would you describe it? Take the candle back into your palm and set an intention for your exercise- it may be to try to notice a new layer of the scent, to be grateful for your ability to smell or maybe it is try to relax your mind and take your attention off of something else. Sit in this moment for a few breaths and allow yourself to reflect. Next, take a match out and get ready to strike it- but do not light it just yet! Striking a match is a powerful action that can symbolize renewed growth and taking action in your life, and provides another layer of scent, so I do recommend using a match over a lighter. Oftentimes, lighting a match can signal an emotional feeling in and of itself. Are you feeling nervous to light the match? Acknowledge any immediate reaction to preparing to light your candle.

Noticing how our senses overlap can help strengthen them, so be sure to take note of the crackling noise and initial scent of the match. Now light your candle. What impact and emotion does the sound and scent have on you? It may be the courage of striking the match itself, excitement or doubtfulness about trying this exercise, anxiety over something from your day or even just a general stillness in that small moment. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling and to sit in stillness after lighting your candle.

The beauty of lighting a candle is that it takes awhile for the scent to envelop the space it is in. It takes time usually anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to begin noticing the scent of a candle. When your consciousness drifts back to scent of the candle focus your attention on it. Purposefully watch the flicker of the flame and force yourself to name what notes you smell in the candle. This doesn’t have to be perfect or 100% accurate- it is just to help you recognize and name scents and to elevate your experience. What do you like or not like about this smell?

Close your eyes and conjure up an image that you attach with what you are smelling. Maybe it reminds you of a friend, an experience or a familiar space. Sit with this image in your mind and reflect on why this scent is attached to this memory or image. When you are ready, deeply inhale the scent one last time and recognize your gratitude for that image, for the scent, and for this practice. You can either blow out the candle at this point, or continue to allow it to burn. If you allow it to continue burning, be conscious each time you are drawn back to the scent and repeat this cycle of imagery, consciousness, and gratitude. The candle will continue to envelop the room as it burns. Most candles should burn for approximately two hours for an even burn rate. This time allows for this practice to be repetitious and invites you to check in with yourself over time- a perfect work from home mindfulness activity that can span an entire morning or afternoon!

As you get more comfortable in this exercise, try playing around with scents that you know have a strong emotional tie to them and see how this practice changes. As you continue to develop your practice, you may increase your awareness and experiences with scents you come into contact with everyday!