Emotional Freedom Technique


The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a quick and easy way to bring frustration, anxiety, worry or feelings of sadness quickly down to a manageable level.

To start rub your palms together to generate a bit of heat and get your energy flowing. Imagine whatever is worrying you in your mind. Assign this problem a number from 1-10, with 10 being almost unbearable. Either aloud or in your mind, say to yourself, “despite the fact that I have this problem, I am okay and I accept myself.”

You then form both of your hands as if you were about to do a peace sign, and begin tapping with only your index and middle fingers. Use both hands to simultaneously tap on the corresponding points indicated in the image above. (For your Under Nose & Chin spots only use one hand).Tap each spot 9-10 times before proceeding to the next zone.

The sequence should be:

  • On top of your head (crown chakra)

  • Beginning of each eyebrow

  • Both sides of your eyes

  • Underneath your eyes, above cheekbone

  • Under nose, above upper lip

  • Chin

  • Both sides beginning of your collar bone

  • Under your arms on the top rib

  • Wrist

  • Side of Palm aka Karate Chop

When you get to the karate chop point, once again say to yourself, “Despite the fact that I have this problem, I am okay and I accept myself.” Check in with your number. Has it decreased since the first round? Repeat the entire sequence 2-3 additional times and I promise you will feel at least a little relief!