Mindfulness for Protection
Ever feel like you take on the negative energy of those around you? Do you often feel exhausted or “drained” after conversations with others or describe someone in your life as an energy vampire? Or perhaps you know someone who gaslights you and although you want to learn from every interaction, you find yourself leaving conversations with self-doubt, frustration, or negativity. This activity also helps for anyone who works in the service field and oftentimes have to hear second-hand stories with extreme trauma or emotional hardships. Whatever the situation, this exercise helps dissipate vicarious trauma- allowing you to be present without owning others’ emotions as your own.
Seemingly small or even meaningless interactions can still take a big toll on our emotional and mental wellbeing. Protecting our energy and wellbeing can be as easy as actively engaging in a mindfulness activity and can quickly make a big difference in these everyday moments. And it is sooo simple. As soon as you walk into a situation, begin a conversation or recognize where a conversation may be headed- take one second for this visualization practice and see how you feel afterwards!
Begin by placing an intention of protection. Say to yourself, “I will take away the growth and learning from this interaction and will leave behind the negativity involved.” Take a deep breath and visualize a mesh screen completely surrounding and encompassing you. This visualization may take the form of a mosquito net, standing behind a screen door, imagining yourself as a bee behind its hive or perhaps even as a cactus with small spikes. Basically, you want to imagine something that will “catch” or deter the “big stuff,” while allowing “little things” to still touch you. The purpose of this visualization is to allow yourself to be fully present in the conversation and to feel the emotions without allowing them to cling to you or fully infiltrate your aura/energy field. If you hear anything that typically would impact you, simply imagine strengthening that shield and reiterate your protection mantra. At the end of your interaction, check in with yourself. Notice if you feel that you were able to successfully deter vicarious trauma or negative feelings. Remember to extend yourself grace and gratitude if you still took on any of these emotions- recognize them and consciously visualize sending them back through the mesh or the screen.
Your energy has the power to set the cadence for your day. Protect it!